19 cze 2020

Gry i zabawy na ozashiki cz.2 Album dodatkowy

Playing Kitsune-ken or Fox Fist (1937)
“ “A variation on the “rock, paper, sissors” hand game, played by Geisha and their customers, this particular version of the game was at its most popular from the late Edo period (1820s) to the end of the Meiji...
Kitsune-ken, 1937

Tousenkyo or Fan-tossing 1909 (by Blue Ruin1)
“ A hangyoku (young geisha) playing the traditional Japanese game of tousenkyo (fan-tossing).
An explanatory video: www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pzb6kBfaG_4
A maiko playing tousenkyo:...
Tosenkyo, 1909

Konkon chiki was a popular New Year’s game in the Meiji period (1868 – 1912). The object of the game was to grab the cup of sake before your hand was caught by the slip knot.
Konkon chika

The game Tosenkyo involves throwing a Japanese folding fan at a small “butterfly” target set upon a pillow (pictured above).

Ozashiki asobi: konpira fune fune
Maiko Yaemi, Geiko Kimitomo and Geiko Komomo playing the shamisen - Miyagawacho
Japan 25 (by Vincedovey)
Konpira fune fune

Nagoya Maiko performing ozashiki azobi Kin no Shachihoko (via YOMIURI ONLINE(読売新聞))
“ Mitaka? / Did you see?
Kiitaka? / Did you hear?
Nagoya no Shiro wa / Of Nagoya castle
Gojuu Yagura no Zecchou ni / On the peak of the fivefold turret
Kin no...
Kin no shachihoko

Tora tora

At a ozashiki: Geiko Yasuha playing Yakyuken with a guest, while jikata geiko Satokazu plays the shamisen. Maiko Satoharu and Miena watch.

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