12 maj 2023

Amazon Quartet (Sailor Moon)

cherrycheezy: “ “ sailor moon screenshot re-draw \ this is my art please do NOT steal/edit/repost! deviantart | twitter | facebook | etsy ” ”
Od lewej:JunJun, CereCere, PallaPalla i VesVes
girlsofmoonlight: “リクエスト-8 ”
Me and my family.“ Steadfast from Unity Castle by Delight046 ” Not only did Delight046 design individual Princess dresses for the Sailor Quartet, she also made them their very own castle! It’s called the Unity Castle and consists of the Quartet’s different castle...image: “ Dreams can turn into terrible nightmares ” I have never heard a more true statement.
sailormoonconfessions: “ art source: http://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=12906358 ” That would’ve been amazing.

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