15 wrz 2023

Yūko Ichihara (xxxHolic, Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicle)

If you allow *v*  Very much so! Submissions are thoroughly encouraged~ Also *screeches at beauty* submitted by oruru - thank you!
daclampfeels:  And by “people” you mean just you, Yuuko
18thcenturytears:  Any Wish You Have by Lolainprogressbuymethesea:   Once interlinked, fates go around and return once moreAll in accordance with the wishes of humans
the-sea-will-set-you-free:   If Yuuko Ichihara isn’t your spirit animal, you’re wrong.   Source: http://www.zerochan.net/1336800

shigatsutsuitachi:  欠踩蠍melancholicseastar:  Day 4 - Favorite Female Anime Character Yuuko Ichihara ?reishi-jakku:    Ah, yes the dream must end. How can I forget that was the last thing you said me, Clow.

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